Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do certain kinds of injuries cause keloids?

Yes ANY puncture of the skin even if slight like piercings or bad abrasions and any type of surgery, dental work could result in keloid scarring. The fact is that there is little you can do if you have the sort of skin that reacts by forming keloid scarring. Except, If you know you are susceptible or have family that is you should avoid any activity which can result in skin puncture wounds. People who have developed keloids SHOULD NOT HAVE PIERCING OR TATTOOS and make sure you tell your doctor if you are going to have any kind of surgery. Could have severe complications and compound the risks. Also, if you do a search on ANSWERS and a Google search - you will find many questions and answers on keloids. Some relate how they suffered keloids from other than piercings and surgery.

Do certain kinds of injuries cause keloids?
This is an inherited tendency and even a small wound can cause a keloid such as ear piercing.