iwould like switch over myself to business. i am engineer ,working consulting firm as design engr. which best small business to start.
I have keloids on my chestand itching always.i cantact to doctor ,advice for lazor surgery.which is expencive.
I just went though a new procedure to remove a keloid on my chest (which I had and hated for 7 years).
THe process is relatively new and has to be done by a plastic surgeon. They remove the keloid sugically. To prevent the high percent chance of it coming back, the put in synthetic skin called "Integra" and then over that do a skin graft (in my case from my leg).
Since the chest is a particularly active area, they will have you wear a medipack(vacum device) for 7-10 days until everything takes.
Overall I'm glad I did it although it wasn't without some real discomfort.
It will take months before my chest skin graft is faded.
Talk to some plastic surgeons.
(by the way mine was covered by insurance :))
Reply:It is a Hungarian ointment, dermatixgel, which is used to heal the scars. The website is www. dermatixgel.hu. Maybe you find some. Go to a dermatologist. Every hydrocortizon based ointment ( even the that for hemorrhoids ) should help.
About the second question, the only advice I can give to you is: don`t leave your job, only if you have something certain.