I am Asian and I had laser removal of a chest keloid a few years ago, when it was small. Now it has reappeared and is growing. I need to find a sure and safe procedure to remove it and keep it from coming back. I read about a procedure involving skin graft. Please contact me
Anyone have chest keloids and successfully removed? Would like to know details about procedure, practitioner.?
I have a keloid on my chest and I hate it, I removed it about thirteen years ago and it came right back even bigger. I went to a specialist named Dr. Tobga and he said, there is nothing anyone can do about a keloid. If your remove it, it just comes back BIGGER. I look at it this way I could have a life threatening
illness but I don't, I have a ugly keloid on my chest and good health. I've learned to love myself this way and those who don't are the ones with the problem.