There is no satisfactory treatment for keloids.
Some doctors have had success injecting keloids with bleomycin an anticancer drug.
The best treatment is to inject a long-acting cortisone into the keloid once a month. After several injections with cortisone, the keloid usually becomes less noticeable and flattens in three to six months time.
A new treatment for keloids is to apply a silicone gel preparation over the keloid scar for 12-24 hours each day. This treatment is started three to four weeks after the wound or injury. The gel preparation should be covered with an ace bandage, cloth wrap, or tape and changed every 7-10 days based upon need. Silicone gel is available from your doctor. The gel can be washed and used over each day. With daily use, the keloid will become flatter and smoother within two to twelve months. I do not know how this treatment works.
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